Sign Up Opportunities
openings available
Event Coordinator
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11:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Volunteers will help with event set-up in preparation for Friday's Packet Pick Up and Saturday's race. **Heavy lifting may be required.** You'll be working alongside our super fun and efficient Operations Crew. Please wear work shoes and bring work gloves.
3:30 PM - 7:00 PM
You will man the Hospitality Tent: answer participants' questions, distribute beer tickets to riders and assist with anything needed.
3:30 PM - 7:00 PM
During packet pickup in the Reg Area, welcome the riders, perform rider verification activities, pull packets sorted numerically, and communicate very general ride information.
6:15 AM - 8:00 AM
During packet pickup in the Reg Area, welcome the riders, perform rider verification activities, pull packets sorted numerically, and communicate very general ride information.
6:15 AM - 7:30 AM
Help us direct vehicles and tell them where/how to park so we can fit as many vehicles as possible in the dirt lot, which is the main parking area for the event. When this lot fills up, redirect people to the overflow parking lot by the pond. Bring a yellow/orange vest if you have one, otherwise you will be lended one for your shift. Please check in with Bike Monkey staff when you arrive for more instructions.
This is a generic sign up for SAR volunteers from DC SO SAR.  Please also sign up here to select your t-shirt size and to receive a meal voucher.
This is a generic sign up for SAR volunteers from CCC SO SAR. Please also sign up here to select your t-shirt size and to receive a meal voucher.
7:00 AM - 4:30 PM
This is a generic sign up for ham radio operators.